Tuesday, November 7, 2000

Wow, what a month! Alek had an ear infection, Ana finally had those two bottom teeth poke through and Laurie had a sinus infection. Unfortunately, it was all on the same day!!! The good news is that we lived through it, the bad news is that I found out Ana still hasn't gotten her 2 year molars. Oh no! 4 more teeth!!!

Anyway, my grandma Sushie came to visit and finally got to meet her great grandchildren! We had lots of fun and the kids walked around for days after she left with their hands in the air yelling "Sushie, come-ear"!!!

After she left, we went to the NC State Fair (Mom, me, the kids & Megan who usually helps me after school). After Aleks 2nd nose bleed and Ana walking into the stroller with her newly healed eye, the EMT's and I decided it was time to go home. As soon as we got home we had nose bleed #3! It never happened before or since! I guess he's allergic to the fair!

The weather was really nice so we decided to take the kids to the beach at the end of October. Papa wanted to show them the ocean (he told them he was taking them to the worlds largest sandbox and bathtub)! Alek loved the water but Ana didn't like having sand on her toes! We took our pac-n-play tent and the kids Ukrainian potties and made our own little toddler port-o-potty! It was great & very relaxing.

The kids had a great time at halloween but they couldn't understand why you would walk up to someones door and not go in. Needless to say, we had to have people retrieve our kids from their living rooms several times! A few scarry ghost masks sent the kids running into our arms but overall, we had a good time. We let the kids try candy for the first time that night and woke up to a tornado that hit their room! After a long time out for everyone (I needed it more than them!) we decided to hold off on anymore candy for a while!

We had our last post-placement visit with our social worker and now we wait for our North Carolina re-adoption to go through. When it does, the kids will be issued new American Birth Certificates! That's our last step because they just passed a law saying that all Internationally adopted children will automatically become citizens! It goes into effect 2-27-01 and is retroactive! Yeah!!! No more paperwork! (Except for our anual reports to Ukraine to let them know how the kids are doing.)

Alek had his first haircut and now he looks so grown up! Like a little man! Who knew he had such a long neck? He was a very good boy and didn't move a muscle until it was done, although, he did make some interesting faces!!! And yes, we did keep a baggy full of hair!

Well, that about covers it. Oh yeah, one more thing... we bought a house! It's about 20 minutes from our house now and we are building so it won't be ready for a while but we always said that if we found the perfect house for us, we'd move. Since it's a custom builder, we made a lot of changes and I think we'll be very happy. For those of you that know Mitch, no, he didn't get his 3 car garage he's been wanting. I guess he'll just have to settle with 5!!!